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Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Earn before you "Graduate"

Earning money as a youngster can be tough job, especially if you also attend school. However, with determination and a little courage, it can be possible.
Basically at this age we need extra money to full fill our need.We might see some one eating a burger and another reading new comics,we might want to have both of them,but due to low pocket money we might not do anyone or even both.At this point a thought arise in mind to earn some money to satisfy your need.There are many ways to some a penny or two,and if you work on all this,you will start earning enough money.
Now basically there are two choice 
-You can work hard and creatively.

-You don't wanna work hard and creatively.

1)Work hard and creatively.

Working creatively means creating your own stuff,Think,Think and Think untill you get an idea or stuff which will earn you pay.Though you have to spend lot of time and get stressed by doing this.Yet you can earn sitting at home without doing physical work.The first and my favourite way is

Earning through Youtube-

YouTube is another great place you can earn money. If YouTube Partnership is available in your country, then you can monetize your channel and earn some money off it! Youngsters these usually have an interest in things like Video editing and stuff. And many of you visit YouTube every so often to look at videos. So why not cash your talents? Upload videos on YouTube, popularize them, and see your earnings go up! To upload one click here

Creating your own Tshirts-

This is a very unique idea. You can earn money by creating and selling your own T-Shirts! All you need is a photo editing software for creating designs, and a little investment on your part(rare cases). Create interesting event-related t-shirts, and prompt people attending those events to buy them! For example, you can create shirts for seminars, social events, parties, etc. It’ll take some money to initially produce those T-Shirts, but you can sell them at a profit to gain more than what you spent! A friend of mine started with this idea, and now, she has a small business and a brand with a website, where people can choose from the available designs, or order a custom-made T-Shirts according to their desires! Great huh? Who knows it could evolve into a full-fledged business for you?.
you can also sell this designs on websites like Zazzle,cafepress,etc.

Writing articles-

If you have decent writing skills, then this is definitely something you should try. Article writing is a form of freelancing. But it is much easier, especially for students. You can write articles for money in various places. First of all, you could write for articles the top article directories, such as EzineArticles. You can also join other content websites and write articles there by creating HubPages or writing Squidoo lenses. You can also write for reputable blogs. Write a few guest posts on various blogs for free, and who knows? You might get picked up by another blog owner looking for writers?

Free Lancing-

Freelancing is one of the toughest, but also one of the best paying methods of earning money. Toughest in the sense that it is hard to get a freelancing job. But once you get one, it’ll be worth the effort. Mostly, hirers are looking for experience, which most students don’t have. But you can increase your chances by joining multiple freelancing websites. Here is a list of the top freelancing websites you can try your hands on. Alternatively, you can do some other freelance tasks which don’t require an internet connection!

note:Google adsense.
One of the most profitable way to earn money is by creating a blog or a website, and monetizing. There are lots of ways you can earn money trough your website. This is an extremely huge topic, and I could literally write books on it. But in short, you can earn mainly through advertising. Google AdSense is one of the best advertising networks out there, and if you put up ads on our blog, you’ll get some money each time someone clicks on your ad. Learn more about earning money through Google AdSense. If you don’t want to create a blog or website, there are other ways to earn money without having a website

2)Don't work hard and creatively.

Here I said not to work hard,because you just have to put effort and not a really straining effort.
basically don't need to work out creative idea,or your brain.Just you have to put effort.
First and foremost-

Save Money

Saving money is one, less enjoyable method of making money, and the most important. While this is not always applicable, it is important to remember the old adage:
"A penny saved is a penny earned."
Saving your cash reduces the need to make more. By exercising discipline, you also gain important skills that are useful in determining what is truly important in your life.
There are several steps to take to be able to save money:
1. Eliminate debt.
Whether it be credit card debt, or just the $20 you borrowed off a friend last week, in order to save money, you need to eliminate your already accumulated debt. Many times if someone receives a large amount of money, they will devote it to a holiday or similar expense. But not you. Now, to save in the long term, money received should be first devoted to removing debt. Interest on loans, sucks.

Fun Fact

If you make a bet with a friend that you'll achieve your financial goals, it increases the likelihood that you'll follow through and achieve your goal. Especially if you're betting with honour.
2. Set Realistic Goals
By setting realistic goals, you increase the likelihood that you will save money. Each goal needs to be specific, with a time-frame and value. A bad example of a goal:
"I want to save money"
While the above goal can be a starting point, it doesn't provide a framework for the future. Ask yourself how much you want to save, why you want to save it, and the amount of time you have to save it.
"I want to save $1535 before March for a new laptop"
In the above improved example, you have been given a time-frame and a specific goal to aim towards.
3. Keep a Record of Expenses
Get a logbook, or a scrap of paper, and religiously record everything you spend money on. From the $3 cup of coffee to the $89.95 textbook, it should all be written down.
This provides you with a unique perspective. That daily cup of coffee is suddenly a major expense. As with coffee, it's the small, regular, purchases that add up to a big overall cost.

Getting a Part Time Job

By doing part time job 

Job Shop

The best place to start looking for a part time job is at your university’s Job Shop. Job Shops, set up by the National Association of Student Employment Services, are nationwide centres linked to all the main universities. They provide information on part time work in your area, advice on which employers are helpful and sympathetic to your student needs, and help with finding work that can fit around your course. Ask your university about the Job Shop it’s linked to.

Part Time Work

There are lots of part time jobs available to students that can fit into your hectic schedule. Here are a few options to think about to get you started:
  • Bar work has its obvious perks but is not ideal if you have lots of nine o’clock lectures. Bar jobs are ten a penny in most big University towns and require very little experience. They’re also great fun.
  • Restaurant work has many of the same benefits and drawbacks of bar work. One major plus point of waiting tables is the tips. They vary greatly but can often take your pay from minimum wage up to as much as £7 or £8 an hour. It’s also worth checking for work in your local catering companies.
  • Shop work is another good option. You can work on weekends so it won’t interfere with your lectures, and in lots of places you’re entitled to staff discount. Yay!
  • Call centres often have flexible hours and offer good rates of pay.
  • Signing up to agencies allows you to get work when you need to if you’re not too keen on the idea of a regular part time job. You can get work in offices, restaurants, at events, and more.
  • Get paid to teach whilst studying at university – read one student’s experience of becoming a part-time coach as an undergraduate.
Working for your university is a great way of earning money, and your employer is guaranteed to be sympathetic if you have a deadline coming up! Here are a few ideas:
  • Universities are always looking for willing students to give tours on open days to sing their praises. And they pay you for it!
  • Getting involved in Fresher’s Week and organising student events are also good earners. Get in touch with your union to find out what they’re offering.
  • Working for your student union is full of perks. It’s very sociable and you can often get free entry to student events. Flyering for your University, or for shops, clubs and bars for that matter, is the perfect job for the lazy student. It’s easy, pays well, and you can control your own hours.

Sell second-hand course books

One great way to make money is to buy other students’ text books at the end of the year, and then sell them just after freshers’ week – when the new intake of students know that they need them!
You can either advertise on campus or list them online very easily on Amazon Books Trade-In (just bear in mind they take a commission on books sold).

Sell all your old CDs, games and movies

If you are looking to make a very quick buck, then selling your old bits and bobs that are cluttering up your room is a good idea.
The best thing about it is that you can rip all the songs and films onto your laptop or external hard drive before selling them. This means that you are only really selling the plastic and artwork!
You can earn anything from 10p to £20 per item, and the earnings can really add up if you have a large collection. Whilst you’re at it, see if your parents have any ‘clutter’ they’d be happy to see the back of.
You can also sell almost anything for free on Amazon Trade-In orPreloved and sites like MusicMagpie will pay you instantly for sending in unwanted items.

Sell clothes on online buying and selling websites.

Everyone’s best friend when it comes to getting rid of junk is online buying and selling websites. Online auctions are a sure way to turn that sleeveless jacket (which came in and out of fashion in a week) into hard cash.
Some  sellers look at trends and try to predict what will be big ahead of the market. If you are good and don’t mind taking a risk then you can buy early in bulk and sell on when the craze hits.

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