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Monday, 26 January 2015

Çinema 4D introduction

The new basic CINEMA 4D modeling tutorial uses practical examples and interactive instruction methods, which have become hallmarks of digital-tutors’ products. With more than three hours of instruction and a total of 31 lessons, we are shown how to use the most important CINEMA 4D tools and features to build a model car. The video tutorial offers a basic introduction to polygon modeling and how to create geometry using splines and Generator objects. The car is then fine-tuned using features such as Subdivision surfaces and CINEMA 4D R15’s highly optimized Bevel tool.CINEMA 4D unlike most of the other big 3D programs actually has a very user friendly and intuitive interface. However, that doesn’t mean you won’t need a little help to point you in the right direction if you’re new to 3D or perhaps have just encountered the free version of CINEMA 4D in After Effects and want to know how to get started with it.Searching for helpful CINEMA 4D beginner tutorials can be a bit of a chore, so I’ve collected some of the best beginner tutorials for CINEMA 4D all one page. Hopefully, by the time you’ve gone through these CINEMA 4D introductory tutorials, you’ll have a good grasp of how CINEMA 4D works and you can move onto some of the more advanced CINEMA 4D tutorials.

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